At South College we will have events ranging from the traditional Durham University Balls, to our Annual College Day to regular socials and events in the bar, and events celebrating our diverse community! Alongside sports and societies there will always be an event or activity you will be able to throw yourself into.

You can find some of the events we will be planning for the year below!

If you opt-into the JCR Levy you will receive discounted tickets for our events, some event tickets are discounted as much as £20 if you have opted into the Levy. You can opt-into the JCR Levy here:

Click Here

Regular events

Welfare Campaigns and Events

Socials (with themes of course)

College Bar Evenings (Open Mic, Pub Quizzes, Eurovision, Movie Nights)

Charity and Outreach Events




Lunar New Year


Black History Month


Pancake Day

Big Events

Freshers’ Week

Winter Ball

Summer Ball

South Day

College events


JCR Events

JCR Meetings

JCR Committee Elections and Hustings