Standing Orders and Operating Procedures

If you have any specific questions in regards to the Standing Orders, Writing and Submitting Motions, JCR Elections - or indeed any questions around the governance and running of the JCR please contact our JCR Chair Rechael John (she/her) -

Standing Orders

The Standing Orders govern the JCR, they outline election procedures, positions in the JCR and ensure the JCR is run as a democracy.

South College Standing Orders (last updated January 2022)

South College JCR Positions Description (last updated June 2021)


A motion is a formal proposal put forward to the JCR that usually changes the way of how the JCR works. Examples include creating a new elected position, changes the Job Description of a certain officer or allows the JCR to resolve a specific issue. Anyone in the JCR (apart from the Chair or the
Chair-elect) can propose motions and all motions must be seconded by a different JCR member.

You can find out more information about what motions are, and how to submit them in the below two documents:

How to write a Motion

Motion Template


The elections for the JCR Committee are held annually during the Epiphany term. You can find specific information about each JCR Committee role from the student currently in Office, the Standing Orders (Job Descriptions) and can find out more about the election and nomination procedures in section 7 of the South College Standing Orders.