Welfare and Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Committee

Welfare is there for you throughout your time at Durham and we provide a non-judgemental point of support for everyone, regardless of the issue. South is inherently a welcoming, inclusive and supportive community and we want to help that continue. Also, we provide a signposting service to allow you to explore the full range of options and support available to you if and when you need them. To help welcome you to South, we have made some welfare bags full of goodies!

A major element of our role is heading the Welfare and EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Committee, which aims to represent all of the communities in South and support everyone. We have got some amazing people on the committee, bursting with ideas and passion and we will be introducing them to you in the next few weeks.

Their insight directly feeds into the campaigns and events we run regularly, such as Black History Month, Sexual Health and Guidance (SHAG week) and Mental Health Awareness. These help increase awareness of issues and the support available for those affected by them - as well as creating fun social events (keep an eye out for some Fresher’s Week welfare events we have planned). We’re always looking for more ideas, so feel free to contact us or even apply to join the committee!

Please don’t hesitate to get in contact through our Instagram or email for support, questions, or ideas. We can’t wait to meet you all soon!

Welfare love,  Skyler and Annabel x

Welfare and EDI Committee is made up of several positions including the:

Female Assistant Welfare Officer - Hailey Loke (she/her)

Hi I’m Hailey (she/her) and I will be one of the Assistant Welfare Officers for this year. I’m from Malaysia and going into my third year studying English Literature. I love reading, cooking with my friends, and going on walks with my doggies! I stayed in college for both first and second year so I am pretty well-versed with South itself. Feel free to drop me any questions or concerns and I will be glad to lend a hand. 🙂

Assistant Welfare Officer - Theodore Forcer (they/them)

Hi all! I’m Theodore (they/them) and I’ll be one of your AWOs this year! I am a second year sociology student from the North East and I am so excited to take on this role and contribute to college life at South! Alongside my welfare duties this year, I will also be the slam team captain for the poetry society and a peer mentor for first year sociology students (apologies to Southies who do sociology you can’t escape me!). In my spare time, I love to bake bread and make mixed-media artworks. Please feel free to reach out, I am always available for a chat!

Campaigns Rep - Lucy Baker (she/her)

Hi! I’m Lucy (she/her) and I’ll be your Campaign’s Rep for next year. I’m a second year studying Ancient, Medieval and Modern History. I have absolutely loved my first year at South, and I’m so excited to get involved with welfare and raise awareness for the issues important to Southies. Outside of college, I have loved being involved with Purple Radio this year, and you can hear me obsessing about musicals, or reading satirical news on one of the two radio shows I’m in each week! I’m really looking forward to getting to know even more of you, and feel free to reach out if there are any topics you want to see a campaign about!

Ethnic Minorities Rep - Jasmine Taylor (she/her)

Hi! I’m Jasmine (she/her), I’m a third year natural sciences student and one of your ethnic minorities reps this year. I’m so excited to get to work and continue making South a warm and welcoming place for everyone. I’m always up for a chat about life at Durham so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Ethnic Minorities Rep - Noelle Nunes

Hi, I'm Noelle and I'm a 3rd year studying biosciences. I'm really excited to get involved in fostering a sense of community for the POC members of South!

Ethnic Minorities Rep - Diya Balloo (they/them)

Heyo! I'm Diya (they/them), and I'm a second year NatSci (Chem and Bio) student. I'm really excited to be one of your Ethnic Minorities reps this year, as I understand how Durham can sometimes be isolating for POCs, especially for those with other marginalised identities. I want to develop a community in South where everyone can feel represented and celebrated! Some of my hobbies include music (violin, viola, piano and kazoo :D), volleyball (go SCVC!!), watching anime + cartoons and practising latté art. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or just want to chat :):):)

International Officer - Adeline Cheung (she/her)

Nei5 Hou2 (that means “hi” in Cantonese!) I’m Adeline (she/her), this year’s International Officer and a second year Marketing and Management student. I’m originally from Hong Kong but recently moved to East Sussex. I’ll be in charge of every international bit related to South, e.g. hosting international fests/ events at the Nest and making sure no matter where you are from or which culture you were being brought up in, your voice is heard. You can either see me holding my iPad wherever I go (cuz I’d cry not having my planner with me 24/7) or hear me talking in three languages all of a sudden. Can’t wait to see y’all at South soon and make South the best international college in Durham. Absolutely down for a coffee chat if you ever want to chat about anything x

LGBTQ+ Rep - Charlie Hall

Hi, I'm Charlie and I'm a third year Biosciences student. I'm really excited to be your LGBTQ+ representative again because being involved with the welfare committee is one of the things I've enjoyed most about being at uni. I hope to see as many people as possible at our events this year and I'm easily found in the Nest or in Whittard's. If I'm not wearing a cardigan, I have been replaced by an alien.

Working Class Rep - Jessica Blackburn (any pronouns)

Hi! I'm Jessica (any pronouns) a 2nd year psychology student and I'm so proud to be a working class rep for you this year! I come from a pit village near Durham and for me having representation and a place where you can meet and talk to others with similar backgrounds is so important to help students feel comfortable and valued at South, so I'll be happy to provide that! Outside of studies I absolutely love board games, video games (even if I'm not good at them) and D&D. Also, I'm currently obsessed with Taylor Swift. Feel free to reach out or say hi if you see me about!

First Generation Scholar - Olivia Stappard

Hi, I’m Olivia and I will be your First Generation Scholar Rep this year! I’m a second year Psychology and Anthropology student from the North West and I have a passion for all things sloths, food and Lightning McQueen! In my spare time, I enjoy going to street dance classes, playing Mario Kart with my friends and simply chilling in my oodie with a hot chocolate. I love a good chat so feel free to reach out anytime!

Meetings can be called at the discretion of the Senior Welfare Officer, any member of South College can request to attend a meeting by emailing south.jcrwelfare@durham.ac.uk. You will be able to run for positions on the Welfare and EDI Committee, JCR Committee or apply to become a Freshers’ Rep if you opt-into the JCR Levy.