We are adding more Sports, Societies and Committees to South College every single week, these provide great opportunities to meet other students with similar interests, play sport as relaxed or as competitive as you would like, ways to wind down and relax and so much more. If there is a sport and societies we do not have - and you think we should - and you would like to introduce and lead it, brilliant! Fill in the below form and the JCR can help you with finding space for your sport/society, help purchase any equipment that might be needed and help get you up and running. Anyone who opts-into the JCR Levy can start and run a Sport or Society and we actively encourage all students to do this!

Sports and Societies Ratification Form

Reimbursement form

You will be able to find out more about our Sports and Societies as well about how to join them in Freshers’ Week!

To take part in our sports and societies you will need to opt into the JCR Levy, this allows you to play as part of the College’s team, compete Collegiately and run for positions such as Society Captain, Sports President and other executive roles. You can opt-into the JCR Levy here:

Click Here

Should you have any questions about Sports at South, feel free to contact our Sports Officer Elle at ellie.gallagher@durham.ac.uk.

Our Sports:

  • Men’s Football

  • Women’s Football

  • Badminton

  • Volleyball

  • Netball

  • Rounders

  • Mixed Lacrosse

  • Rowing

  • Men’s Rugby

  • Women’s Rugby

  • Pilates

  • Hockey

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pILATES Society

The South College Pilates society aims to provide weekly workout and sessions for students, regardless of past experience. We aim to create a space where students can be active and have fun learning and taking part in a variety of
Pilates-based exercises ranging from amateur to advanced level. Practicing Pilates builds core strength, improves balance and posture and offers a form of intense physical and mental training. Come along for the opportunity to try something new and be challenged in fitness!

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Mixed Lacrosse is a great sport to get involved in! I never played before Uni and now I’ve been playing for the past four years. South College Lacrosse will cater to everyone, whether you’re a lacrosse pro or have never even held a stick before all are welcome! Lacrosse is a great sport to get involved with if you’re looking for ways to meet people, love being competitive or just enjoy playing for fun. I look forward to meeting you all!





Volleyball is just an advanced version of the "don't let the balloon touch the ground game", so if you've ever enjoyed it then South College Volleyball Club is the place for you! Anyone is welcome, so whether you're just starting out or already know your stuff, our weekly sessions will help you improve and become the best volleyball player you can be! If you're keen, you can join us for the inter-collegiate tournament that runs during second term too.


boat club

Rowing is a ‘Traditional’ Durham sport, every College has it’s own Boat Club and South College is going to be no exception! It doesn’t matter if you have never rowed before, or if you live on the water, our sessions will cater to all abilities. We will have a mix of training sessions from rowing out on the water, to optional erg (rowing machine), circuit and running sessions. It would be amazing to put together South College’s first ever crew!


mens Football

South College Football Club will consist of weekly training sessions and matches against other colleges. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, represent the college and stay active.





Badminton club is a chilled
out and fun way to make new friends. You can play with people you know or we can match you up with new people. We supply racquets and shuttlecocks but feel free to bring your own!


mixed hockey

Hockey at South College is an inclusive society enjoyed by everyone of all abilities. Reasons to join include regular casual and competitive training sessions, the best socials in the whole College and it is a brilliant opportunity to meet and break the ice with people across different years and colleges. So whether you're a drag flick maestro or someone who just wants to have some fun and enjoy the most vibrant socials, join the South College hockey family!

Our Societies:

  • Dance

  • Casual Debating Society

  • Walking Society (South Wonderers)

  • Vegan Soc

  • Art Soc

  • Fem Soc

  • Christian Union

  • LGBTQ+ Society

  • Jam Soc

  • Faith and Spirituality Soc

  • Reading Society

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Pool club

South College Pool Club welcomes pool players of any ability, from complete novice to renowned
champion! Joining the club allows you to book practice sessions on our pool table, become a part of a South College Pool Team, and to enter the University Pool League. Or if going solo is more your style, you can also enter both the South College and the University wide knockout tournaments which run throughout the year.

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Dance Society

South College Dance Society will aim to offer a range of
different dance styles for all abilities. We will aim to provide performance opportunities for anyone who wishes in the form of a South College Dance Show. We are also hoping to form a performance squad for those who are more experienced and would like to train more regularly to perform at college events such as balls. Whether you are a beginner or have been dancing since before you could walk; come along and help us make the best college dance society at

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CasuaL Debating Society

Casual Debating Society is for everyone who wants to partake in lively discussions on important and interesting topics in an informal setting. To do so is a great opportunity to get to know other people's views, improve your speaking skills, and learn about the world.

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Art Society

South College Art Society provides students with the space and equipment to explore their creative sides! We run weekly 2-hour long sessions in which students have free reign to create whatever they put their mind to, as well as additional dedicated sessions ranging from pumpkin carving to photography walks!

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Fem soc

During our meetings we’ll be having discussions and debates on major feminist issues. This society takes an entirely intersectional approach to feminism, meaning we are accepting of all genders, races, sexualities etc. This is a safe place to discuss thoughts and feelings on topics tackled. Our aims are to allow people to be heard and help raise awareness of feminist issues occurring in Durham; hopefully in an effort to stop discrimination and inequality within the student and staff body. All are welcome, we can’t wait to meet you all!



A society for wanderers and free spirits who are interested discovering both cultural and natural treasures of Durham and the surrounding area. Walks will leave from college and be 2-3 hours long. They will be split into either cultural or nature walks although there will be a lot of overlap!

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A brand new society for a brand new College, SMS is a student-run, umbrella society for all things musical at South College! At the moment, plans for college music
include a choir, a small orchestra and regular Open Mic nights to celebrate our students' talent, as well as talk of a jazz band and joining with other Colleges on Mount Oswald for larger projects. All styles, genres and
abilities are welcome, with opportunities to start your own ensembles when you arrive.

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A space for free minds of all faiths and none to explore topics of a spiritual nature, including purpose, life philosophy, personal growth, ethics, the soul, religious texts, prayer, meditation and mindfulness.


Games Society



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reading society

South College Reading Society (SCRS) is a place where Southies can go to discover and recommend books that they love. We aim to promote freedom of thought and speech, and to encourage long-term reading, by giving Southies the opportunity to share their critical opinion on books from various genres. Follow us on Instagram (link below) for book reviews, discussions and recommendations, and DM us to get involved📚💜.

Our Committees:

  • Welfare and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Welfare and EDI Committee)

To take part in our sports and societies you will need to opt into the JCR Levy, this allows you to play as part of the College’s team, compete Collegiately and run for positions such as Society Captain, Sports President and other executive roles. You can opt-into the JCR Levy here:
