Welcome to


South College Epiphany Ball 2025

South College Winter Ball 2024

Nest Bookings

If you would like to book out The Nest for an event, please complete the attached form. The form details important aspects of your event, so we can make informed decisions on which events we will approve, and ensure we can properly accommodate your booking throughout your time here. There is no other recognised way to now make bookings of The Nest, so please make sure to do this in a timely manner if you require use of the space.


Libertas, Aequalitas, civitas totius mundi

Liberty, Equality, Global Citizenship

As Durham’s 17th, and newest College, we present our students with the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on a historical University. Our infancy allows you to pioneer lasting traditions, become a founding President for new sports and societies, and academically flourish. The Junior Common Room operates at the heart of our student community, facilitating the wider student experience, and enabling the success of our members.


What is the JCR? What do the JCR do? Find out more about who we are and what we do.

The JCR Committee is the beating heart of the activities within the common room. Our team consists of elected and non-elected officers. Click below to meet them!

Meet The Team


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We are here to support you, your welfare and make sure you have the best possible University and College experience. Here you can find support and reporting tools within College, the University and Durham.


Reimbursement form

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Keep up-to-date with what’s going on and coming up in College!

Reimbursement Form - Please include any receipt evidence, and send to south.jcrtreasurer@durham.ac.uk

Self-nominations form

Self Nominations Form - To run for a JCR position, you will need to complete this form, and send it to south.jcrchair@durham.ac.uk