College Stash
What is College Stash?
College Stash is items of clothing or other articles with unique South branding. This includes badges, t-shirts, quarter-zips, water bottles and more. Southies also wear gown for our formals throughout the year and several of our welcome events. Here you can pre-order your gown, Freshers’ T-shirt, College Tie and / or pin.
One Southie wearing his South tie and badge.
sTASH Organised BY the JCR
The Stash Company supplies us with our sports gear, including sport specific shirts, tracksuit bottoms and shorts, as well as quarter-zips for many sports and societies. We had a stash drop with The Stash Company from 2nd August to 18th August (arriving in October) and will have another one in late October (arriving in January).
Redbird Apparel supplies us with the regular stash, including puffer jackets, hoodies, rugby shirts, and bags. We will have a stash drop with Redbird from 28th October to 4th November, and another one in late October. When a stash drop is active, the link will be posted here.